Home Pets In Homes Vet Sparks Debate: Never Leave Your Pet During EuthanasiaBy Vivien Alexander

Vet Sparks Debate: Never Leave Your Pet During EuthanasiaBy Vivien Alexander

Vet Sparks Debate: Never Leave Your Pet During EuthanasiaBy Vivien Alexander

(Picture Credit: Wavetop / Getty Images)

Our pets are part of the family, and the decision to euthanize can be a difficult one. Watching a beloved pet grow old or sick is hard, but watching them leave this world is even harder.

Because of this, many people choose to leave their pet before the euthanasia. However, there has been a rising debate about the ethics of leaving your pet during euthanasia. While some insist that it’s too hard to stay with their dogs, others have fired back saying that it’s the least you can do for your pet in their final moments.

The argument reached a head when a veterinarian shared their opinion.

The Thing Vets Won’t Tell You

Many vets agree that it’s not their place to tell people to stay. However, one veterinarian penned an open letter to all pet owners.

In a Facebook post, the vet pleaded with people not to leave their pets. They explained that while your pet might be a large part of your life, you’re the center of their world. These sick and dying pets don’t understand why you left them, and they spend their last moments searching for their beloved person.

This post has gone viral and sparked heated arguments among many users. Some argue that it’s not the vet’s place to demand such things, while others have taken the vet’s side.

What To Do If Staying Is Too Hard

Vet Sparks Debate: Never Leave Your Pet During EuthanasiaBy Vivien Alexander

(Picture Credit: John Moore/Getty Images)

In cases like these, it’s up to the individual to decide what’s right. If you believe in remaining by your pet’s side, the best thing you can do is just that. Stay by your pet in their final moments, and provide comfort however you can.

For those who find it too difficult, there are other options. Many vets have stepped forward and said that they are honored to comfort pets in their final moments, and will do so if their owners cannot. You can also ask the vet to sedate your pet first, so you can be with them until they fall asleep.

Close friends and family members can also stay behind if it’s too hard, giving your pet a familiar face to take comfort in.

What’s your opinion? Did you choose to stay by a pet during their last moments, or was it too difficult? Drop a comment below and share your story.

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