Home Pets In Homes Chihuahua Puppies: Cute Pictures And FactsBy Maggie Clancy

Chihuahua Puppies: Cute Pictures And FactsBy Maggie Clancy

Chihuahua Puppies: Cute Pictures And Facts – DogTime

Chihuahua Puppies: Cute Pictures And FactsBy Maggie Clancy

Initiate GalleryChihuahua Puppies: Cute Pictures And FactsBy Maggie Clancy

Although Chihuahua puppies are tiny, their personalities are anything but! These quirky, loyal, always-by-your-side pups are straight-up hams who will capture your heart immediately.

Remember, you can find dogs of just about any breed in shelters or rescues, including Chihuahuas. You can also check DogTime’s adoption page that lets you search for adoptable dogs by breed and zip code. Adopt! Don’t shop!

But before you adopt and bring home the Chihuahua pup of your dreams, here are a few things you should know about the itty bitty furball who’s about to enter your life.

1. Your Home, Your Furniture, And Your Body Will Become Parkour Obstacles

Chihuahua Puppies: Cute Pictures And FactsBy Maggie Clancy

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Chihuahuas are notoriously playful little things. Because of their spritely attitude and small size, your Chihuahua pup is going to treat every part of your home — including you — as part of their playground.

If you’re not comfortable with this, be sure to set limits with your pup early on to prevent bad habits from forming.

Or you can use your Chihuahua puppy as motivation to start working out; tight abs make a great Chihuahua springboard.

2. They Are Highly Vigilant

Chihuahua Puppies: Cute Pictures And FactsBy Maggie Clancy

(Picture Credit: Shinya Sasaki/MottoPet/Getty Images)

Chihuahuas are excellent watchdogs because they’ll most certainly alert you of any new person entering your home.

Chihuahuas often get a bad rap for being yappers when, in reality, they can simply be mistrusting and want to make sure that you are safe!

You can avoid this behavior somewhat, however, if you socialize your new Chihuahua pup at an early age.

3. They Can Be A Little Territorial

Chihuahua Puppies: Cute Pictures And FactsBy Maggie Clancy

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Your Chihuahua pup will praise you like the food-bringing hero you are. Because of this, they may get a little green with envy if you show attention to other animals or even people.

Again, socialization is key to ward off negative territorial behaviors.

Take your Chihuahua pup to socialize with other small dogs and show them that yes, it is possible for you to pet another dog and still love your pooch the most.

4. Their Personalities And Hearts Are Huge

Chihuahua Puppies: Cute Pictures And FactsBy Maggie Clancy

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Chihuahua puppies, while highly intelligent and trainable, don’t realize that they’re only four pounds, and that Golden Retriever across the street is literally 15 times their size.

Your Chihuahua puppy will act like they’re the royalty of the castle. And given their adorable face, chances are they’ll get away with it.

Fortunately for you — your pooch’s loyal subject — your pup will be a kind and just ruler who loves to snuggle under the blankets and shower you with kisses.

5. They May Just Convince You To Get Another Chihuahua Puppy

Chihuahua Puppies: Cute Pictures And FactsBy Maggie Clancy

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Chihuahuas, for the most part, love being with other dogs, especially fellow Chihuahuas.

You know what would be more adorable than the one Chihuahua puppy you have? Another Chihuahua puppy!

Rescue Chihuahuas are often part of “bonded pairs.” You just can’t have one without the other! Sure, you say one is enough for you now, but give it some time.

Would you adopt a Chihuahua puppy from the shelter? What other facts should people know about these cute pups? Let us know in the comments below!