Home Seasonal Tips Take Your Dog To Work Day 2016

Take Your Dog To Work Day 2016


Take Your Dog To Work Day 2016

Take Your Dog To Work Day 2016

The brainchild of Pet Sitters International, Take Your Dog to Work Day (TYDTWD) is an annual celebration of our dogs and their social natures. As you probably know, dogs are pack animals. Leaving them at home alone for long periods of time every day is against their natures.

And while growing evidence points to the fact that pup friendly offices are healthier workplaces,  not every office has embraced this point of view. That’s why Take Your Dog to Work Day is great way to try it out. Plus, you’ll get to meet your co-workers’ four-legged friends– and that’s always fun!
7 Ways to Prepare Your Office for a Puptastic Day!

Take Your Dog To Work Day 2016

1—Make Sure Everyone is On Board – If Take Your Dog to Work Day is YOUR idea, pitch it to your team/boss and make sure everyone embraces the idea. This is NOT the time for surprises.
Once you’ve all agreed, it’s a good idea to put together a few guidelines for participants.
For example, it’s not a good time to bring untrained or aggressive dogs to the office (is there ever a good time?) You’ll also want to get a sense of how many dogs may come to work on June 24 and set expectations, will they roam free? Be leashed near your desk? What makes the most sense for both your office and the individual dogs?
2—Offer Distractions – Bring something for your dog to chew on. Non-squeaky toys and dog treats will give your dog a sense of a reward and occupy his mind. If your dog likes to sit in his crate or on a dog bed, bring those along. It will help your dog feel more “at home.” Plus, if your dog has a crate and you need to run out for a meeting, you can simply close the door.
3– Plan a Walk — Is there a nearby park or walking trails where you can walk your dogs? Plan to team up with a co-worker or two for lunchtime dog walk. You and your dog need the fresh air!

Take Your Dog To Work Day 2016

In fact, studies show that people who take a short walk at lunch are more productive in the afternoon! It’s something about the fresh air and sunshine.
4— Come Early – If your dog has never been to your office before (or if it’s been awhile), she’ll need time to sniff the surroundings before she can settle down. She’ll probably also want to greet the other dogs.  Allow everyone time to get acquainted before you get settled into your day.
5– Water – Bring a bowl for water and make sure your pet has plenty of it.
6—Clean up Supplies – It’s not uncommon for even the best trained dogs to have “accidents” in unfamiliar surroundings. Prepare yourself for clean ups and have extra supplies on hand.
7—Have a Plan “B” – If your dog just isn’t gelling with the vibe – for whatever reason – be prepared to take him or her home. Office life isn’t for everyone.
Take Your Dog to Work Day can be a fun way to bond with your co-workers (and your dog.) But every dog isn’t cut out for a day at the office.  Know your pooch. Consider if yours is well-mannered enough to spend with you at work and if so, go for it!

Take Your Dog To Work Day 2016