15 Pets That Are All of Us This Holiday Season
These dogs and cats are our spirit animals this holiday season.
1. The familiar feeling of exhaustion only the holidays can bring.

2. When your sweater “shrinks” after all the dinner parties.

3. Combing through HomeGoods for a wreath, like:

Forty-five minutes later…found the perfect one!

4. When you find out your house guests are staying an extra week.

5. No matter how hard you try to keep them untangled, the lights always end up like this:

6. That one friend at the holiday party…

7. Hmm, looks like I’ll be working from home today.

8. When my friends ask me what my Saturday plans are…

9. No such thing as going overboard on the decorations.

10. That moment of peace amidst the bustle when you admire all your hard work.

11. Like we said, all the activity of the season can make us a little sleepy.

12. ‘Nuff said.

13. Too many cooks in the kitchen.

14. Even with the stress, there’s nothing like spending some quality time with your whole crew.

15. And last, that feeling when it’s all over:

Happy Holidays! Which photos of your pets best reflect your holiday moods? Share them on our Facebook page or tag us with #wellnesspetfood and we’ll be sure to see your post!